This day started out like any other. Each of us went our separate ways for classes only to meet up for lift and practice at four. We all had the same excitement running through our veins, because tonight after practice, we were all venturing to China Wine. Expecting this to also be our normal routine, our day was turned upside down by Ted, our lifting coach. At first, it seemed like a blessing from God. Ted wrote on the screen that there would be "no lift today!". Ecstatic we all jumped around singing our China Wine song, becoming even more excited than before. Second later, our lives went crashing down when Ted clicks to the next slide and we all dreadfully read "STADIUMS….. LOTS". Typically, we would do about fifteen to twenty stadiums with Ted, but today….. today he expected us to do forty. WHAT. FORTY. You have got to be kidding Ted. Our day wasn't ruined quite yet though. We all lined up on the stadiums to begin and all we kept singing was "China Wine, China Wine, anything can happen on China Wine night". Sounds stupid, I know, but it's what got us though these forty dreadful stadiums. As we would get to the top you could hear someone mutter China Wine under their breath. It was a long forty minutes, but that thought kept all us housewives going.
After, not being able to walk anywhere because our legs were made of jelly, we somehow ended up on the soccer field, practice. As if these three hours could not be horrible enough we had to do sprints at the end of practice. All almost on our death beds, we got the strength to shower and get ready to go to our beloved restaurant China WIne. Now for those of you who don't know, China Wine is a Chinese restaurant that serves the whole table unlimited amounts of wine. Sounds like the time of your life right? And oh yeah, the foods not bad itself either. The whole meal ends up being about ten dollars or less per person so this is obviously our favorite place to go to dinner.
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Jada's sprained ankle. |
Now in our song we state, "anything can happen on China Wine night" and this is the most true statement ever. The ride to this restaurant is always horrible, and Chloe gets hangry (hungry and angry) and no one wants to get in the way of that. Its long, slow, and we have to take the crowded subway down there. But the ride home is by far the best part of the night. The last time we all went to China Wine we ate dinner, blah blah blah, but then the night started going when we left the restaurant. First, we walked one block to Urban Outfitters, and let me tell you my mom was not happy with my big spending that night and Jada may of may not of accidentally taken a pair of sunglasses with her on her way out. Sounds sketchy I know, but she really didn't mean to do it. She was trying them on, forgot they were on her face, and walked right out. Somehow, none of us had even realized it either until we were on the subway on the way home. At that point, what are you going to do but keep them. As we were transferring from the 4 to the D train at Yankee Stadium we went for a real ride. There is a huge escalator at this station and you put seven girls too drunk off wine on it, you wait and see what happens. Somehow one of us in the back tripped and fell and took everyone on the escalator with her. Thats right, we took out an entire escalator in one fall and we all tumbled down the moving stairway. Any normal person would probably be writhing in pain from what just happened, but not us. We already couldn't feel our lower body because of the amount of fitness we did earlier that day, and well you know what took care of the upper body. We all just laughed this whole event off and acted like it was a completely normal thing to of happened. Most likely didn't say sorry to the people we just bulldozed and went on our merry way to catch the subway.
In the morning, half of us could not even remember that this had even happened, until we looked at our battle wounds. Kylie had a fat lip, Jada had a (minor) sprained ankle, and I had a huge scratch across my whole back. China Wine is a very serious night that you have to both mentally prepare for before and after. Either way no dinner can ever compare to what this one promises. We obviously cannot go there often because of the aftermath, but when we do, its promised to be an unforgettable (or forgettable) night.
xoxo J
This really would make an addictive reality show