I guess everyone will not agree with me, but my housewives are without a doubt better than anyone else's friends. No matter what I will always think that they are the coolest people I have ever met. Need a good laugh, go to Helga. Want a hug that will make every problem you have go away, go to Jada. Want someone to talk shit about everyone and everything, go to Ashley. Even better she will always agree with you, even when everyone knows you're wrong. If you need to slip into a food coma, call Marta. Her Italian side will shine. Want to be a real diva, go get your hair blown out with Kylie. And lastly, need someone to jump on top of you and play with you like you're a jungle-gym, Chloe will be there in a heartbeat. My housewives have seen each and everyone of us at our best, and most importantly at our worst. Nothing and no one compare to my housewives and here are a few reasons to make you believe me.
1. We can turn a simple game of Mario Kart into a drunken competition with brackets and everything.
2. We have a scooter gang- we ride around campus torturing the freshman and spitting on boys. Okay, just kidding about the last part, but we actually have a scooter gang.
3. We have a group chat that ranges from embarrassing selfies of ourselves, to screenshots of stupid things people post on Facebook.

4. We play follow the leader on our walks from the apartment to practice and get locals to join in.
5. We leave secret messages for each other around campus.
6. We give each other calf massages no matter our location.
7. We put each other through hell and back but we are the real housewives of Bronx, and no one can compete with this statement.
No matter what these girls will always be the greatest people anyone will ever meet and I wouldn't change anything about any of them.
xoxo J
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