Living with seven housewives means that there is no personal space or privacy no matter how hard you try. Even going to the bathroom, where you think, hey, maybe I'll finally have some alone time gets ruined when someone barges in. Besides no privacy, this also means that some people still have to share a room. Now I am the biggest advocate of personal space and being alone when needed and somehow I got landed with the double room. Did I say double, I really meant triple, with Kylie's boyfriend basically lives with us as well. Having an immediate roommate has some serious perks, and some serious downfalls. Most of these things can be interpreted differently from person to person, so I will refrain from saying which I am for and which I am against.
1. You always no matter what, have someone to talk to.
2. You come home to surprises like your laundry being done, or chocolate on your desk.
3. You come home to surprises like your roommate's boyfriend.
4. You have to share a room.
5. Try to escape seven other roommates in your own room, jokes.
6. Your roommates boyfriend snores.
7. You have to now share a room with not only your roommate, but her boyfriend too.
8. You have double the amount clothes.
9. Can't sleep? Wanna talk? Watch a movie? Depends who you want to do all these things with. Your roommate, or someone else...
10. You like to sleep in late, but your roommate is an early riser.
11. Your roommate has no idea how to be quiet and you had no idea putting in contacts could be so loud.
12. Your roommate smells. Bad or good. You decide where I'm going with this one.
13. They flood the bathroom, then refuse to clean it up themselves.
14. They always let you borrow whatever you want, even if you ask or not.
15. Your roommate has an obsession with cats just as much as you do, so your room is covered in cat posters.
16. Your roommate has huge feet, like you, so now you finally have people to share your clown shoes with.
17. You live in such close quarters you are basically touching at all times.
18. Sometimes they are slobs and other times they are neat as can be.
19. You are never alone.
20. You make a new best friend, because its impossible to live with just anyone.
xoxo J
Date 4:
Ashley invited Emanuel over after his football game to "celebrate". They immediately ran into Ashley's room and that was the last we saw of them all night. We're one step closer to a real relationship people!